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Maurice Chriqui

Date of Death: Sunday, April 9, 2017
Yahrzeit Day: 14 NISAN
Date of Funeral: Monday, April 10, 2017
Time of Funeral: 10:00 AM

Location of Funeral:

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Location of Burial:

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Message of Condolence

Kenneth Norwich
Moshe was a fine man, an inspiration to all who knew him.
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Andee Goldman
Moshe always had a smile on his face and took time to tell me stories about his youth. A wonderful loving husband, father, and friend .
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Evelyn & Philip Rayson
Dear Denise and Melissa, our heart felt condolences on the loss of your husband and grandfather. Although we have not seen each other in many years, we will never forget his sweet gentle nature. May your memories of him bring you solace at your time of loss.
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Allan Phillips
Moshe was such a very special person
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Leonard and Cheryl Cappe
Mr. Chriqui was the perfect gentleman and the epitome of respect and dignity. He will be missed. We wish you all comfort and blessing.
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Edward & Bonny Kirschner
Moishe Chriqui was an elegant, kind gentle man. We will miss his warm greetings at shul. May his memory be for a blessing.
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Rosalee Berlin
Dear Mrs. Chriqui and family: My deepest condolences to you all on the loss of your very special husband and father. He was such a elegant, gentle man. I will always treasure my memories of his many kindnesses to me over the years.
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Harvey Minuk
Mr Chriqui was a constant in my Shul going life from the early 90's. We had our rituals when we saw and greeted each other. He made my Shul experience meaningful and to this day when the Torah is brought out and we chant the first song, I bow as was his custom during that prayer. This shall stay with me and I shall continue to do this in memory for my friend. Mr Chriqui you were a gentleman and always a pleasure to be around. I will miss you. Thank you for your friendship.
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