We are greatly saddened to inform you of the passing of Anna Walsh Silverberg on March 2, 2025.

A loving daughter, sister, wife, and mother – daughter of Mike and Sonia Walsh, wife of 33 years to Jerry Silverberg, mother to Jason, sister and sister in-law to Yona (Earl), Sheila (Frank), Shelley, and Adrian (Elyse). A cherished aunt, cousin, and friend. Born in Montreal, and moved to Toronto in the 1980s.

An accomplished academic – BSc- occupational therapist, J.D. (pregnant in law school!), M.H.Sc, PhD. A skilled linguist with an impressive memory (she never forgot a birthday!).

Anna faced many health challenges throughout her life, and fought valiantly against them.

Many thanks to her thoughtful caregivers. May her memory be a blessing.

Memorial donations may be made to a charity of your choice.

Shacharit and Mincha/Marriv Services at Shaarei Tefillah – 3600 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Ontario – Please see shul website for service times.