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Message of Condolence

Heather Laytner Sherman
I pray for PEACE for both sides, of good and innocent people.
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Rosanne Waldman
My heart is broken and aching. I have no words to comfort the families of the victims of the terrorist attacks on our people of Israel. Just know that we love you and support you always.
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It was a pleasure working with and knowing, Barry. Rest in peace
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Philip Feldman
May the names of those murdered be forever remembered. Their deaths remind us that never again will we allow genocide to happen.
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Frances & Norman Shifman
My entire family and indeed, the whole Jewish community stands with Israel. We must prevail!
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Aileen Phillip
Peace be unto Israel and to all who have lost friends and families Let their memories be a blessing
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Carole Yarmo
I am confident Israel will fight to and end this Hamas crap..Praying we all stay united and safe..
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Linda Kopman (Liederbach)
The horrendous and heinous acts against the jews in Israel is reprehensible. God is already victorious. The jews, of which I share the blood, have been awaiting the Messiah. Good news, He came, as a Jew and His name is Jesus Christ. And He will return to redeem His children. But you must put you faith and trust in Him. I've been reading the book of Daniel, very inspiring, and prompts us to trust in the ONE AND ONLY GOD.
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Marlene Moscoe
My heart and prayers are with all Israelis.
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barbara corber
I pray for peace in our homeland. AM Yisroel Chai
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Beverley Bobkin English and Norm English
We are heartbroken and devastated at the loss of your loved ones. Our thoughts and prayers are with you forever! We are praying for peace for all!
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Debby Goldstein
Am Yisrael Chai.
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Noa Mellon
Our broken hearts, tears and prayers are with you. You are not alone. The outpouring of love and support in Jewish communities around the world, for our brothers and sisters in Israel, is genuine and palpable. Your pain is our pain. AHM ISRAEL CHAI!!!!
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Susan and Alan silverberg
To our brothers and sisters in Israel, know that we are praying for you and for a lasting peace which you so richly deserve. Am Yisrael Chai.
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Roz Britstone - Lockett
Sorry for your loss.
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Heather Lane
As a Christian person I stand with Israel and with my Jewish friends. First of all we can agree that NONE of this would be happening if Hamas did NOT attack Israel on October 7, 2023. Secondly, the difference is that HAMAS deliberately MURDERED innocent civilians in Israel. On the other hand, Israel is trying NOT to murder innocent Palestinians. End of story.
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Ellen Silver Orzy
PEACE...we need PEACE.. heartbreaking ..no words 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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Accept my condolences I am shocked to know That she passed Away A very loving and kind Hearted person. I was hoping to see One day but unfortunately Didn't happen I am very very sad May the good lord Bless you lea.
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Stephen and Iris Starr
We grieve amongst the mourners of Zion. We pray for a refuah shlemah to all those wounded in body and spirit. May HaShem protect our soldiers, civilians and klal Israel. עם ישראל חי
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Edie Smit
There are lots of people in South Africa who support Israel and their people. We pray for you even though we are not Jewish. You are in thoughts and our sincere condolences in you loss of lives. God bless you. SHALOM to the people of Israel.
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To whom it may concern, I hope this message finds you well. My name is Ari, and I wanted to reach out to express my strong support for Israel and my genuine interest in getting more involved with the Jewish community. I have been deeply moved by the rich history, culture, and the enduring strength of the Jewish people, and I am eager to contribute to the community in a meaningful way. With the recent Israeli-Palestinian events that are happening, I have been cut out by my family and friends for supporting the opposite party and I have also lost my job for the same reason. I was wondering if there are any job positions available. I am a university student. I just need a few hours each week. I am mostly flexible during weekdays. I am open to any role that may be available and would welcome the chance to discuss how I can be of service. Throughout my academic journey and various experiences, I have acquired a diverse set of skills from leadership to teamwork and lastly great customer service. Thank you for taking the time to consider my request. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to connect with you. If you are interested in having me, I can send out my resume for the next email.
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amos schwarzberg
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Elizabeth Schenkel
Am Israel Chai This shall pass, and the Jewish People will survive, and remain united. Freda Rosenberg was an example of the Jewish resilience. She lived a good and long life despite the odds.
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Katalin Weissberger
Words cannot express my anger and shock at the nerve and ability to get away with the horrific crimes on innocent, peaceful Israelis, unsuspending babies, children, women and men and seniors!! G-d Bless the young Soldiers with Strength, Courage, Trust to Wipe Haters of All Kind off this Earth Forever and bring Everlasting Peace to Israel and Decent Human Beings. We cry for you, we cry with you, we Pray for You!
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Hey, Sheryl, sorry to hear about your mom. And take care.
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Nadine Mckenna
This is a very sad day as my Grandmother has passed on and will be missed dearly. I am her eldest granddaughter Nadine, and am very upset that I couldn't make it for her beautiful send off and Service today. She knows I loved her and will miss her alot. She was very opinionated and always wanted me to make better life choices and live a healthier lifestyle. I valued her advice and wish I took more of it but her heart was always in the right place and I will miss these conversations we had. You were a good woman, mother, grandmother, great grandmother and your memory will live on. You will now be free of any pain or hardship and we will meet again some day!!! Rest in Peace 🕊️🕊️ Bubby!!!!! Xoxoxo
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Jane Cooper
We must stay united and pray for the safe return of the hostages, soldiers and civilians and end this destructive and abhorrent war.
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Shaare Zedek Congregation
Dear Rabbi Bright, Rebbetzin Elizabeth, Haley, Ben, Gabby, Chaya. The Shaare Zedek Family extend our deepest sympathies on Dr. Michael Indech's passing. Our thoughts are with you at this most difficult time. May the Family be comforted with the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Baruch Dayan Ha'Emet.
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Cantor Chazzan Stephen & Adrienne Chaiet and Family
O God, Who art full of compassion, Who dwellest on high, grant perfect rest in Thy Divine Presence to all the souls of our holy and pure brethren whose blood was spilt by the murderers on October 7th, 2023 in Israel, and in Auschwitz, Belzec, Bergen Belsen, Dachau, Majdanek, Sobibor, Treba and other extermination camps in Europe; who were killed, strangled, burned and buried alive for the sanctification for Thy Name. For whose souls we now pray. May their resting place be in the Garden of Eden, may You, the Master of Mercy shelter them in the shadow of Your wings for eternity; and may You bind their souls in the Bond of Life. You, HaShem are their heritage, and may they repose in peace in their resting places. Now let us say: Amen Cantor Chazzan Stephen Chaiet & Family
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Marie Bickof
Baruch Hashem for the safety of the IDF and all Isrel and that he will give them strength to get rid of the garbage terrorists Hamas, Hezbolla and Palstinian Jihad.
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Rachel sionit
I’m sorry for your loss. May his memory be a blessing. Thinking of you and your family.
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Golda Briwn
Harry and I wish you strength at this most difficult time . May you gain comfort from your family and all of us who love you .
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Mahmoud & Family
The actions carried out by Hamas on October 7th were nothing short of horrifying and inhumane. It is difficult to find the words to adequately describe such a barbaric act. As an Iranian family residing in Canada, we are proud to be part of a diverse community that values peace, understanding, and compassion. We chose to leave our home country due to our refusal to support a government that aids terrorist organizations like Hamas. In light of recent events, I would like to share a poem by Sa’adi’s (Bani Adam) with you as a gesture of solidarity with the Jewish community: Human beings are members of a whole, in creation of one essence and soul. If one member is afflicted with pain, other members uneasy will remain. If you have no sympathy for human pain, the name of human you cannot retain.
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Heather E. Hunter
My condolence David. So sorry for your loss.
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Bruce and Fern Mozers
Ilaine, Ricky and family. Are deepest condolences. Her memory will live forever
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Howard tocket
From Howard and Debbie rocket… our sincere condolences to you ed and your family
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Sandra Kahn
For Alyce Feldman My sincere condolences to the family on your loss from Sandra Kahn Ethan's friend.
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Jennifer Rosario
To my sis Alyse. I will cherish the memories and love you. ❤️
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Veronica Spencer.
To the family of Alyse, on behalf of my family we send our condolences and love. Alyse was a kind, loving, hard working individual. She was my husband publist and genuinely cared about us as we did for her. She will forever be missed and we are so thankful for us knowing her and working with her. We send healing energy for the family and her memories will always be cherised.
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eleanor richmond
Sending messages of love and support to my Israeli Mischpuchah and Friends for Peace and their safety. May they overcome all enemies and hatred. May this Chanukah bring the Light of Peace to each and everyone.
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Peter Frankel
To Rebbeca Nadler and children and grandchildren .Berl was my best childhood friends. We went to school together and to Camp Massad and we went to each other house Shabbat afternoon We always had a good time .Berl was always involved in the Jewish community and a stronger supporter of Israel.Mst your Nishima have an Aliya
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Susan Maishlish and Elliot Talbert-Goldstein
Sending love to you Joey and to the entire Strasberg family on the loss of Lewis. You are constantly in our thoughts during this difficult time. May his memory be a blessing forever.
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Michael Goldman
What a long and full life she led. She was lucky to have a son like you. Sorry for your loss, Glatt family.
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Eugene Calderon
My deepest condolences to the whole family, Henry, Ellen,Sharon & Paul and the rest of the family, Bernice is now in Peace , May you Rest in Peace Bernice, i will miss you so much
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Laurie Weinroth
Don't be afraid to speak out. Write your MP's that any Palestinian who is involved in vicious treasonous acts should be deported. In 2 months antisemitism has increased exponentially commensurate with antisemitic incidents. Jews in Germany during Kristallnacht did not leave. Antisemitism is always there,this time it is spreading like the bubonic plague. Men without vision will perish. If we didn't have Israel and their immense courage,Jews will be rounded up and gassed. It would not surprise me if Jews are shot dead in Toronto coming out of shul, the only crime is being a Jew. The Presidents of the most prestigious universities lie blatantly,what is the common man to think? Institutes of higher antisemitism. Don't depend on Trudeau that tremendous cretin and liar. Don't wait for the stormtrooper to be at your door to make major cities Judenrein. The writing is on the wall. Those who don't know history will see it repeat itself till time immemorial.
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Marcy Fish
Dear Jeff I had the privelege Of meeting your mother Mylene.Her Love and devotion to family is a great loss.My condolences To each of you.May she Rest In Peace
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Paul Solomons
With condolences to Jeff and family
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Frances NOVACK
I fully support and hope that all of our people are returned safe and sound. The IDF are doing a great job under very difficult circumstances.
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Moche Schwartz
R I P my friend ihie zihro baruh
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Sheila and Gerry Lewy
Sol used to come to my home and he would give me Diamond Setting to do for his clients. Many times this was an honour for me. Although this was in the earlier days we had a great 'bond' together. My wife and I offer our sincerest and humbled condolences to his family. WE HAVE LOST A GREAT JEWELLER IN OUR CITY and elsewhere. I am truly saddened of his sudden passing.
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Shari and David Vodianoi
We are so sorry for your loss May you only know from simchasi Wishing you lots of strength
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Laura and Ian Brodie
We stand with Israel....forever. We pray for the hostages every day and want them to be returned now! Israel, you have our support.
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Samantha Barkin-Budd
I don’t even know where to begin to describe the pain, the deep sadness, the sorrow, the disgust, the fright and the disbelief I am feeling for the families, the communities and a country that has been shredded to pieces by such hateful and dehumanizing crimes against humanity. It breaks my heart thinking about the babies, the children, the brothers, sisters, wives, husbands and grandparents- innocent human beings whose lives were taken from them in the most inhumane ways possible. My heart aches for all of them. Life will never go on the same way. May their lives be of a blessing to all of the family and friends who loved them deeply. We will never forget 💔
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Lynne Dawson
Shocked and saddened by the news of my Aunt Kay's passing. There are no words to say, how lucky I was to have her in my life since I was born. We always kept in touch over the years, and enjoyed many family functions together. She was a force to reckon with for sure. A wonderful daughter sister wife, mother, mother in law, grandmother, and great grandmother and a loyal friend to so many.She was one of a kind for sure and will be missed. Condolences to all the Klerer family.
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Carlos Congote
Dear Ann, I am going to miss you so much. You were such a great woman, wife, mother, grandma and friend. My heart is broken but you will be forever in our hearts. Dear Robert , Alice, Maximilian, Solomon , Linda, Susan, Gabriela, Maya and family, I am so sadness to hear of your loss . I love Ann so much. Sorry that I could not be at the funeral because I am in Bogotá right now, Wishing you courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to hold in your heart for ever . Tehillim 23, A son of David. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He causes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me besides still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Even when I walk in the valley of darkness, I will fear no evil for you are with me; Your rod and Your staff -they comfort me. You set a table before me in the presence of my adversaries; You anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows. May only goodness and kindness persue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for Length of days. Thinking of you in these difficult times. Lots of love from Colombia. Carlos
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The Binders
Your Mom lived a long life! What a beautiful legacy she is leaving behind. Richard and I are sorry to hear about Kay.
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Lovelyn Ordono
I will miss you my dear freda weve been together 4years.I will never forget you..I will miss feeding you ,putting your make up and doing your hair.Your memories will remain iny heart forever.Rest in paradise my dear Freda ..
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Campbell Davidson
I stand in solidarity with the citizens of Israel knowing that being Pro-Israel does not make me anti-Palestine. Hamas has proven beyond a shadow of any doubt to be not only a mortal enemy of the children of Israel but also enemy of Palestinians living in Gaza. As it is with any war situation, there is little time to think and act on what should be done. I express my gratitude to the Israeli army for their brave but also for their rarely seen impressive ethical military approach to this unavoidable and in some ways a no win situation brought onto them entirely by Hamas. The removal of Hamas and Hezbollah would remove a crippling burden off of the lives of innocent people who so deservingly long for dignity and much needed peace of mind. An Israeli victory is a victory for not only Jews but also for Palestinians and Lebanese Arabs as well as other ethnicities who are all residing within the State of Israel and on every side of every border in the region.
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Ted Papaconstantinou
My deepest sympathy for your loss
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Willie and Marcia
So sorry to learn of Rosa passing she will be missed .
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Brenda Platt-Drucker
Sending my heartfelt condolences to the family & friends of Ilise. I have fond memories of her…she was taken much too soon. Much love & sympathy, Brenda & Steve
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Lilly Fenig
Dear Frances, I’m terribly sorry for your immense loss. Although I did not know Moishe well, he always had a warm smile, was charming and had genuine kind words of acknowledgment whenever we met. A real mentsch. May his memory be a blessing forever.
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Robyn Talian
What a pleasure it was knowing you Vicky we will miss your beautiful soul .
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Miriam Davidson
Dear Neil, Mitch and Doug; Our deepest sympathy to you and yours on the passing of our dear Molly. So glad she made her party and it was nice to see the video. Thanks for sending it to us . May you have a peaceful and tender New year remembering your Mom who was such a special person. Love to you all; Ron and Miriam Davidson
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Heartbreaking. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. He was a special soul who always had a smile on his face. I'm grateful for all the memories I have with him and watching sports with him. May your family only know peace and joy and may his neshama have a tremendous Aliyah in shamayim.
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Davida Lebowitz
Dearest Miriam, My heart aches for you and your family. Your devotion to Ari has been an inspiration to me. Those we love never go away, they live within our hearts each day.
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Akeeva Team
We stand stronger and more united than ever. Am Yisrael Chai
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Иннесочка примите мои поздравления. Пусть земля ей будет пухом.
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Landon Lusthouse
She was a great Great Aunt! RIP
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Alice Rawecki
Hilda Samuel was a wonderful lady who welcomed everyone! She organized our travels while working at Overseas Travel. Her commitment to her clients was impeccable! Her daughter and I taught together before her retirement. It's a common thread. Hiida survived the Holocaust like my parents. So, there were stories to tell. To have lived an entire life, Hilda passed on the values of living for the good of family and faith. I wish the family condolences and remember the legacy that their mother left behind. I am sorry to have just recently learned about her passing in the Summer. 2023.
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Claudine ohayon
À toute la famille Benatar je présente mes plus sincères condoléances.Pour nous, Jojo faisait partie de notre famille. Simon et lui se considéraient comme des frères. Ils sont décédés tous les deux la même année et au même âge tant ils étaient inséparables. Je partage votre douleur pour cette perte. Que son âme repose en paix.
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Leslie Fink
Ilona, I'm so very sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you must be going through at this difficult time. Please take care, and let me know if there's anything I can do while you're off work. My thoughts are with you and your family.
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Ofri Fuchs
It is with great sadness that I heard about my uncle, Sam Brill's passing. I will always remember his sense of humor, wild jokes and child like smile. I'm sending my condolences and hug to his family from afar and wish for his resting in peace (with a bug smile) wherever he may be.
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Ilse Fuchs
I want to express my deep condolences and support to the family of my brother in law, Sam Brill. He was a special, colorful man with a huge joy filled heart . I will miss him very much.
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Joan Hogg
Dearest Jenny, I know you’ve begun an endless journey. My thoughts are with you and your family as you have transitioned to the next level. I have no doubts at all that we will meet again in a very different place. Farewell dear friend - love, Joan PS- my heart is with all the families who are involved in warfare conflicts …we must keep them in the forefront of our minds.
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Jovanna Garcia
My Condolences to all fallen I will continue to keep the affected in my prayers
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Joe & Kate Hemi
Debbie and Stephen Our sincere condolences on the passing of your dad and grandpa to 4 granddaughters. Our thoughts are with all of you at this very difficult time. May his soul rest in peace.
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John Wandless
Thanks Ron for being such an influence on me, never met and will never meet such a special person, RIP my friend.
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Scott G
So very sorry for your loss
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Eric A. Wang
May there be peace in the State of Israel and may light prevail over darkness. Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’mei raba b’alma di v’ra chir’utei; v’yamlich malchutei b’hayeichon u-v’yomeichon, uv’hayei d’chol beit yisrael, ba-agala u-vi-z’man kariv, v’imru amen.
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Saul Mandelbaum
May the memory of the slain be a blessing to all their families. God bless the heroes of Israel. Am Yisrael Chai
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Joanne O'Connor
Lou was a well respected participant of many of our Programs. He was a vibrant, kind, wise and helpful member of our groups. We will be missed by all. Joanne O'Connor Circle of Care
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Ella Kamiel-Armstrong
My heart is broken to find out that my aunt Pearl has passed away. She was such a lovely woman with so many stories to tell . Whenever I would come to Canada for a visit and we would attend a family gathering. I would always seek her out because she just had the kindest heart and just made you happy. she was a shining light here on this earth, and she will be deeply missed. My sincere condolences come out to her family, and all of her loved ones.
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Maria Fava
My deepest condolences 🙏 too you and your family sending you lots of love may he RIP
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Ivan Marusic
My thoughts and prayers to all those who lost their lives , those who have lot a friend or loved one . Those suffering from the hotties of violence .
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Loi Aryev
Marvin was one of the members of our synagogue that always brought a smile to my face. He was unfailingly cheerful…no matter what he faced. He was easy to love, and not easy to forget. May the good deeds he did in his life speak for him in Gods presence. My condolences to his family and friends.
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Ellie Tesher
Heartfelt condolences to the family of Ronald (Riven) Perry, Whose parents and our parents, the late Philip and Merle Goldman, were close friends over many years. My brother Bernie Goldman and I were friends with Riven when young and proud of his success.
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Patrick Nowlan
Going to miss ya Marvin Memorable times driving you around
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David & Lynne Fruitman
Rose Ann, Glenda, Alan, Janis. We are so sorry to hear of cousin Riven's passing. May his memory be a blessing to you and the entire Perry family.
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Lisa Maureen Dack
Our deepest sympathies to you and your family for your loss. May Carolyn rest in peace.
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Helen Schreibman-Smith
To David, Jenny, Sarah and Rob Michael and I convey our deepest condolences to you all. May all you do sustain you in memory of your beloved Carolyn..a beautiful wife, mother, sister and friends to many around her. Xxx
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Rosanna Mastrandrea
Carolyn, was such a sweet and wonderful woman. Lovely smile and her warmth was palpable. Life sometimes is just not fair. My love and condolences to David and his family.
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Elaine and Nate Freed
We are living in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, and found out through a dear friend who happened to read in the obituaries that my cousin, Lazar Greisdorf, had passed away on December 11, 2023. We shared a great- grandfather. My husband and I visited Lazar whenever we traveled to Toronto, and we will miss him. Lazar and his family, among other Jews, were rescued by a Nazi officer, Major Karl Plagge.
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Michael, Melinda Herman
We wish Norman, Rubina, and family G-d’s blessings, strength, and comfort amongst friends and family. May David Blustein’s passing bring him peace and relief from pain. We hope that the family cherishes and finds solace in happy memories of David. We are making a donation to Israel’s IDF in his memory.
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erni kati
we are praying to those who have been been lost and safety of those who are fighting for the security of israel
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To Daniel’s family and friends, I am deeply sorry to have heard this terrible news today. Although I did not know Daniel personally, it is abundantly clear that he was a wonderful, talented, extraordinary, and wonderful young man. I am in awe by his creations and his success at such a young age. I am sending my sincere condolences to all of Daniel’s family and friends. Please Hashem may his memory never be forgotten and only celebrated. May his family only prosper, learn, and grow from this tragedy and for his neshama have an Aliyah. BDE.♥️♥️♥️
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Freda and Gary Bolshin
It is a horrible horrible situation when mankind can’t find peace. Hatred takes over and violence is never the answer. We need to deal with terrorsim but unfortunately if there is not Hamas there are other groups. Our hearts are heavy with the loss of humanity. Hamas started this war and hopefully we can end it!!
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Sandy Pirie
Dear Peter, Jorge, TOM, and their families. Please accept my sincere condolences over the passing of your father. Have many fond memories of your dad, especially in Shelburne. I enjoyed any summers going to Beaver Dam lake with your family. Frank and Claire were always, so welcoming to me. Frank was a truly good human being who cared about others. Several times during my life in Nova Scotia. I ran into people who had been patients of your father, and they spoke very highly of him. I know losing a father is hard. Just know I’m thinking of all of you at this time .
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Sandy Pirie
Dear Peter, George, Tom, and their families. Please accept my sincere condolences over the passing of your father. Have many fond memories of your dad, especially in Shelburne. I enjoyed many summers going to Beaver Dam lake with your family. Frank and Claire were always so welcoming to me. Frank was a truly good human being who cared about others. Several times during my life in Nova Scotia,I ran into people who had been patients of your father, and they spoke very highly of him. I know losing a father is hard. Just know I’m thinking of all of you at this time .
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Rosanne Stein
My heart is broken at the loss of my brothers & sisters in 🇮🇱. My heart aches for my brothers & sisters still held hostage in Gaza. I pray that all hostages are found by the IDF and all return home alive ! I pray that our courageous IDF neutralize all terrorists and collaborators and return home safely to their loved ones ❤️🇮🇱
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Susan and Lawrence Sklar
Dear Felicia and Sharon and family Please accept our deepest condolences on the loss of your dear husband, father, father in law and grandfather. We are so sorry to hear of Barry’s passing Sincerely Susan and Lawrence
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Randi Goldstein
We are so sorry to hear of Sonia's passing. We know that she and Morris are together now. Sincere condolences to all of their children and grandchildren.
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Miriam Kotzer
So sorry Iris for your loss and to your entire family as well.
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Dr. Mary Honan
I had the honour of meeting Irvine when he agreed for me to help him write his memoir. I will never forget this man, his courage and his heart. Ar dheis De go raibh a ainm Sleep in peace Irvine Mary (Ireland)
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Arlene Spiller - you knew me as Honey Cass
Hennie dear, Many times through the years I have thought of you. Recently, I found pictures of us and it was when I googled Marvin’s name that I learned of his death. I was so sad to know this and send my condolences. I hope you’ll reach out to me. I’d love to reconnect. -
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Ron Simonetta
Hey Willis I am sorry to hear this news that you have left us. I remember sharing a few good laughs, you will be missed. RIP
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Wendy Stahler
I'm in shock of the passing of my dear friend Teddy Cohen. Ted was a proud Jew, he had such strong feelings for his Judaism and his convictions. A real mensch.May his memory be for a blessing.
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Tara Tweg
Esther was a lovely woman. I remember her fondly. My condolences to the whole entire Rubenstein family. May she rest in peace In peace.
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Monise Neumann
Eli my thoughts and prayers are with you. I have no doubt your mom's memory will always be a blessing
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Judy clodman
My heart feels the void of such a precious loss - the loss of your dear mother ., Esther . Please accept my heartfelt condolences as you try to process and cope with such a significant loss . Loving her the way you all did, , you did a nice job paying tribute to the essence of who she was - a kind , gentle, giving loving , person . I know first hand how warm , supportive ,caring and altruistic she was to everyone who crossed her path .- even more do if they were family . Even if she was upset about something, she would still respect who you were demonstrating her perception that it was what was done that she may not have approved of , not who you were . That was Something most people don’t subscribe to . I will forever cherish her kindness , her love and her supportive demeanour. I will always remember , her calming presence and , her warm smile . I could never forget how she taught me volumes by just sharing her life stories, her beliefs and her views about her faith and life around her. As were so many, I was truly blessed - not only to have known her, but to have connected with her to the ‘ breath and depth ‘ that we had . She will live on in our hearts and minds . The seeds of life that she planted will continue to grow strong roots well into the future and that will endure over time .
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Ian Cohen
My heart and sole goes out to the victims of October 7, 2023 and their families .
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Caron McKenzie
Although we haven’t seen each other for a very long time, I have many precious memories that I will hold dear and will share with my kids and grandkids. Rest In Peace Auntie💕💕💕
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Judy clodman
To the hostages and to the family and friends of hostages who have or might still be enduring the unimaginable … I pray for you daily . I visualize you running into the secure arms of your loved ones . And I foresee with hope that what doesn't kill you , makes you stronger . To the brave soldiers who have left life as they know it behind them to defend their country , to protect their loved ones , and to ensure the promise of a safe, secure , and thriving society both in Israel and abroad , I thank you for your sacrifice , commend you for your courage , and praise you for your commitment to see this dangerous , critical mission through to its completion. To your families , I empathize with the. constant worry , not knowing where or how your loved ones are . … having to do so much more in the way of keeping the household going , the children cared for and loved , and all the while your tireless efforts to conceal your understandable fear and trepidation . And to ‘ Am Yisrael ‘ ,in Israel now , may your days of holding your breath every time you hear an unfamiliar loud sound , or encounter an unfamiliar Israeli citizen of Palestinian descent , for every time ,you are ‘ at the wrong place at the wrong time ‘ or see the startling heading of “ breaking news “ on the TV … may those days be behind you so you can once again work , play , and practice our faith with all your heart and all your soul ‘ without the reality of terrifying distraction . May Israel the country , and Israelis who are its rightful residents , live in peace, thrive as a unified people , and once again ‘ be a light unto the nations ‘ so they will respect us as honourable Jews wherever we choose to reside. And let us say , ‘ Amen ‘ . To the families of
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We POLIOS around the world benefited from Stan Rose's informed interactions with us...He is missed...now in a beautiful place; God Bless ! Dick, a polio in Florida, USA
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Sherryl and Mickey Kaufman
Our heartfelt condolences go out to the entire Tokayer Family. We are shocked by Harold’s sudden departure and wish everyone the ability to focus on good memories of good times with him.
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I extend my heartfelt condolences for your loss.. May his soul rest in peace and may you find strength during this challenging time..
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Edite Da silva
I'm soo sorry for your loss.That is so hard to loose a loved one.But get comfort that he is one more star in heaven looking after you all,and guiding you with his brightness.
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Beatrice De Faria
My thoughts are with all innocent victims murdered in this terrible war, including the innocent woman and children of Gaza. Peace for Israel and Palestine.
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Sylvia Bornstein
To the Fischoff family..Tina and Paul Kurtz...Lester...my heart is broken..I loved Sofie as a sister..she was my best friend..May her memory be for a blessing
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Cynthia Kysely
The world has lost an incredible wife, mother and Bubbie. Sophie was so inspirational by how she cared for her husband and mother and children and grand children. In all the conversations we had she always asked me first how I was it was. I will miss our talks on Audubon crt. You have our sincere condolences and deepest sympathies, and love. Cynthia, David Larkin and Sam
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Noa Mellon
To all who lost loved ones at the Nova Music Festival and all those who are living through an endless hell, waiting for your loved ones to be returned from gaza...you are permanently in my heart and prayers and know that we are fighting for your loved ones in whatever capacity is available. You are a strong nation....the strongest....and you will prevail. Am Israeli Chai!!! We WILL dance again. אנו נרקוד שוב
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Jill Bessner
Dear Tarah and family, My sincere condolences on the passing of your beloved aunt. May her memory be a blessing.
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Ronit Szabadi
Your mom was a spirited, lovely and fun woman. I am so sadnend by her passing. My mom and her had supported each other through 25+ years of friendship and bridge. I will miss her. I too had lovely conversations and
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Ahuva & Abe Ginor
Our depends condolences to you, your mother was a special woman who was loved by all who knew her. Sending warm thoughts and ❤️
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Paulina Perl Avi Perl
To My Dear Svetlana,Aron,grandchildren Howard and Andrea,Ariela and Avi Precious great grandkids Nedivah ,Eve Netanel We have the GREATEST RESPECT FOR A HEROINE MOTHER ANYA..A TRUE WOMAN OF VALOUR,Full of love,SINCERITY ,Common Sense during the hardest of times and Happiness and Joy celebrating the best of times Her FAMILY MAY HER MEMORY ALWAYS COMFORT YOU AND MAY SHE BE A BEACON TO ALL OF YOU .With sorrow and sadness Paulina and Avi
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Paulina Perl
To My Dear Svetlana,Aron,grandchildren Howard and Andrea,Ariela and Avi Precious great grandkids Nedivah ,Eve Netanel We have the GREATEST RESPECT FOR A HEROINE MOTHER ANYA..A TRUE WOMAN OF VALOUR,Full of love,SINCERITY ,Common Sense during the hardest of times and Happiness and Joy celebrating the best of times Her FAMILY MAY HER MEMORY ALWAYS COMFORT YOU AND MAY SHE BE A BEACON TO ALL OF YOU .With sorrow and sadness Paulina and Avi
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Merry Ann
May you rest in peace bobby Eva, “the Song is Ended but the Melody lingers on” I love you
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Malka Bodor
So sorry forgot your loss Pasternack family. Please accept my deepest condolences. I’m sure she will be greatly missed. May her memory be a blessing.
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Rod & Margaret Fram
We are very sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and condolences are with you. Take Care from the Fram’s in Vancouver Rod Fram Margaret Fram Aaron Fram Jason Fram
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Blayne Bick
Queenie was a great principle and friend of my mom. I will always remember her voice. She had such a big heart and kind soul.
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Losing a loved parent is difficult my condolences.
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David Sheridan
I had the pleasure of working with Michael the last few years. Michael was the most beloved actuary at CNA Insurance. He was so nice and his personality was so positive and infectious. Not to mention he was an excellent actuary. He had friends across the globe, from Canada, to London, to Chicago, to California and many other places. console condolences to his family and all of his loved ones. Michael's legacy will live on with you and all the people that he touched.
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Steve Zurel
Hey uncle Len, will always remember how you and Cathy looked after L and me when we visited, the braai in -20 at night, and the memories from when we were kids. The world has lost one of the few good ones, lots of love from Lizaan and Steve (Stephanus) :) X
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Clifford Sacks
Wishing Doreen , Arthur , Joy and respective families a long life on the passing of our cousin Len. Love Cliff , Beanie and Buddy Sacks
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Michael Knowles
It’s with a heavy heart to hear that this world has lost such a kind and generous friend. I was blessed with the privilege of knowing him and looking to him like my brother. Len always loved and cared for those around him. He was a rock. He always reminded me that the world can be full of ups and downs, but regardless of what is thrown your way you will always go on. Fight, fight , fight!!!! He was exactly that!! He was my friend , brother and rock. Rest in peace my brother.
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Sonya Kelly
May there be peace in the world for everyone .
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Sonya Kelly
My condolences with all family’s whose lost a loved one .
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Debra Mayer
We are so very sorry for the loss of your father grandfather and friend. May his memory continue to bless all of you. Love Debra & Norm Mayer and family
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Thomas Riesz
I have great sympathy for the families of those killed by Hamas as well as the families of the hostages held by those barbarians. Hamas is every bit as evil as the Nazis were in that their ive is to wipe Israel off the map and exterminate all Jews. It is extremely sad that world antisemitism has reached levels far beyond any other time in history. Countries like Russia, China, and the United States are hypocrites in their views on Israel. Am Israel Chai!
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Linda Hoffer
Wishing you health and well-being during this terrible time of war. Sending you all the strength and resilience you need to endure this nightmare. Also, sending hopes and prayers for the hostages to be returned immediately.
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Susan Ship
Deepest sympathies on the loss of your mother. May all your fond memories give you strength at this difficult time.
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May Hashem bring solace and comfort to those families who have lost loved ones in this horrific incident and the following work of the IDF in the protection of Klal Yisroel! AM YISROEL CHAI!!
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Allan J. Blitzstein
Our deepest condolences to Mike’s family and friends for your loss. May he rest in peace. Sincerely, Allan Blitzstein. May he rest in peace.
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Ramy and Hanna Elitzur
Dear Hailey and Ryan We were very sad to hear about your father's passing. One of the most difficult things in life is the departure of one's parents. When this happens, there no words that can help. Please tell us if there is anything we can do to help. May you never know sorrow again. Ramy and Hanna
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Thomas Riesz
It was reprehensible enough that Iran, through its proxies, Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis, have caused so much trouble, death and anxiety for Israel and its citizens, but now to attack with 350 ballistic and cruise missiles is horrific. Let Iran face the same fate as the Egyptian pharaoh and his army.
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The loss of a loved one, especially in such a sudden, violent way...It's hard to put into words, even though I went through this myself several years ago. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sorry for what you and your family are going through. You will get through it, though, and you'll be stronger for it. Remember all the good in that person and share it with those around you, and keep them in your heart always.
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Hi everybody it’s Elisa vader I am so sorry to hear about u sad rywn
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Aviva Braude
We are so sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family during this difficult time. Aviva and Oren
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Ronda Feldman
My heart goes out to you. Truly heartbreaking for you and our world.
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May you rest in paradise ralph , my condolences to you and your family.
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Sheila Flicht
My sincere condolences to you and your family. I have very fond memories of both your parents. They always made me smile. May your mom's memory be a blessing.
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Rosalie Moscoe
To all hostages taken in Israel and to especially the ones who have not been released or killed, I send my deepest and sincere condolences to all family and friends in Israel and beyond. But all of us Jews feel such sorrow to have lost so many people in the Oct. 7 massacre and then the taking of hostages of all ages. Such a shunda! I pray for you all in Israel and for those remaining hostages with the hopes of them being freed. My heart goes out to all and what they are going through. I am sending prayers and blessings for those in Israel to be safe and hostages freed. I will continue to work for the lowering of anti-semitism world-wide through many organizations. May there be peace in Israel.
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Sam Obeidat
May God bless all the fallen believers on both sides . I am sorry .
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Boris Sultanovich
Betunia Feldman (Mother) There's nothing to say to ease for the loss of a mother. With love and remembrance, we share your sorrow. Your mother was a wonderful person. Even though she is gone, she will always hold a special place in our hearts. Our deepest condolences to you and your family during this time. Your mother was an amazing woman, and she will truly be missed. Wishing you comfort and remembering the kind of spirit that was your mom. Our condolences for your loss. May you find peace and comfort in the cherished moments you shared together and may her memory bring you peace. Boris Inna Victoria
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Barbara Shusterman Fitchette
To the man named Phil who posted on this site about casinos, you picked the wrong place. There are no people here interested in your post. Abhorrent.
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Shmuel and Naomi Sharir
משתתפים בצערכם
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Sophie Irwin
My grandmother was sent to a concentration camp where she was gassed with my baby uncle in her arms..... We now witness the horrors of another war and the atrocities commited against our loved ones... If we are not able (willing) to learn from our past we will not (never) be able to pass into a better future.
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Marilyn Wiener
My deepest condolences to the family of my dear cousin Ralph Gan. We grew up living next door to each other and though we haven’t lived in the same city for many years we kept in close contact. I am deeply sad to learn of his death.
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Karen Shapiro
Dear Norma, Heather and family, Roman and I send our deepest sympathies on the loss or your husband Earl, a truly wonderful man. Our hearts are with you at this very sad time. May his memories be a blessing xo
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Gwen Horwitz
Wishing all the family "long life". May the memories of Janice be a blessing. Sending love - Gwen (Talpert)and Neville Horwitz
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Anita Klassen
As a Christian who loves, honours and serves the people of Israel, my heart is broken by what you all have endured these 7 long months, both in the Land and in the diaspora. My husband and I are going to Israel to serve wherever needed and to bless, hug and support the Jewish people. Our support is unconditional and comes with no strings attached. Am Israel Chai 🇮🇱
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David Russman
My condolences to you and the family Uncle Joe may you rest in peace in your memory be a blessing now you'll be with all the souls that have passed before I wish you well on your journey love you
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Christine Boney
As a Personal Support Worker, i would like to offer condolences to the family of Mr. Joseph Corber on the behalf of the staff of Downsview Long Term Care 2 East division. He will certainly be missed. Though gone from our midst his memories live on forever.
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Leah & Morty Gorlicky
Sending love, thoughts and prayers to you and your family during this difficult time.
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Michele Zentil
Nadine, Bruce, Rona and families, With heartfelt sympathy on the passing of Dean. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. Love, Michele Zentil
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Gruz family
My heart and soul is full of love for all the people in Israel and all the Jews around the world. I’m praying for peace and life everywhere. My deepest condolences to the family 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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Mordecai Shmoly
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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Trust Chen Pow
I’m so sorry for you and your families loss my friend ❤️🙏🏾❤️🙏🏾 Anything you need I am always here for you Sean 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾❤️‍🩹
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C. Johnson
It's would be hard to put in words, but for the fact l heard about your, strength, independence, love for life from Jojo. I felt as if l know and met you. RIP
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Sawsan Elshafey
My deepest condolences · My sincere sympathy · Warmest regards · Thinking of you · Wishing you peace and comfort. Am Yisrael Chai.✡️🕎
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Hani Shalaby
My deepest condolences · My sincere sympathy · Warmest regards · Thinking of you · Wishing you peace and comfort. Am Yisrael Chai.✡️🕎
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Jamie Lynn Guy
He called me Vilde Chaya. He was the first person who took the time to be kind to me, to be a friend to me. He genuinely made me laugh. He was the 1st person that I mattered to. He never judged me. I remember the day we met like it was yesterday. The year was 1986. I was young, naive and alone in the world except for the woman who took me in when I was 17. One of my co workers introduced us. She thought we would hit it off. We talked until dawn. The way he sang out loud, voice like wolfman jack, and his never ending smile. His stories! He had lived 3 lifetimes to my one. He trusted me and I trusted him. I was so comfortable in our friendship. I moved away in 1989. We lost touch for years. One day the knick name he gave me came to mind. I actually found him again 20 + years. Memories came back like a flood. Shelly meant the world to me. He was a great friend, one of the kindest men I've ever known. My heart goes out to everyone who loved him and was so blessed to be his family. I pray without ceasing for everyone suffering, alone, hurting, homeless, abandoned, alone, lost. Those grieving the loss of a loved one, I'm lifting you up. May you find peace and comfort quickly as you heal. Many blessings 💞
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I send my condolences to EVEYN YOUNG
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Arlene Schweitzer
I am saddened to hear that my dear friend Howard has passed. May his memory be for a blessing. I am so sorry for your loss, Marilyn. Please be well and come back to Florida so we can be together.
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Melissa Shlanger
Arnold was such a friendly gentleman and would always make me smile and he will be missed.
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George kekes
Condolence to all the innocent victims of the children of Israel, the only Jewish nation in the world which God almighty had chosen. The surprise attack on the 7th of October, 2023 is also a double blow to some of the holocaust survivors as well and its unbearable humanly speaking, but thanks be to Almighty God of Israel, and Israel will still prevail ultimately. Christians from PNG are with Israel in pray and are believing for a timely eradication of Hamas in Raffa and the rest of Gaza. Condolence also to innocent victims (Christians) in Gaza as well. Once again condolence to all fallen citizens of Israel, including those from the IDF. God will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel; Genesis 12:3 Amen. Our love and prayers are with you all.
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Starr Williams
Alan will truly be missed. My thoughts and prayers for the family
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Sue Ulrich
Dear Family, I have known Sandra for over 30 years starting at Leitchcroft stable where we shared our passion for horses. We kept those precious moments and relived them every time we were together. More recently and unfortunately so, we shared a different challenge but our friendship endured and we supported each other in ways for which I will always treasure. May her memories be a blessing for all of us. Sue and Brian
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Shy Raubvogel
I am so sorry to hear about Sid. Wishing the family my condolences.
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Sabrina Cantkier
We are praying for the safety of our soldiers and pray for peace in our homeland. Am Yisrael Chai We are devastated by all of our fallen heroes, both IDF and civilian - may their memory be a blessing. BDE
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Stu & Carol Hantman Rochester, NY
Baruch Dayan Emet Sorry we can’t make Toronto but will watch service on Zoom Our hearts are broken too…
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Brian Jafine
Our deepest sympathy on your loss Brian and Dena Jafine and family
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My Deepest Condolences Lorne ! Be strong ! Memories stay and live forever. Hratch
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Miriam Gutwein
Heather was such a kind, compassionate, friendly mensch. I am so sorry for your loss. May her memory be blessings for your entire family.. המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים
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Cantor Sharp, we are so sorry to learn of your loss. Hartley, Max and I send our condolences. May his memory forever be a blessing.
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Claire and Bill
Dear Lorne, we offer our condolences and wish you and the baby peace on the passing of Heather.
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Lynda Scheftz
To the family! May Ida’s wonderful memories be a blessing to the whole Family may you keep the special memories close to your heart. Thinking about you all during this very difficult time and wishing you all a Long Life. BDE
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Edgar Franco
Dear Jane, I hope God give you a strong comfort and peace in these moments.
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Nate Green
Am Yisrael Chai!! The terrorists and Jew-haters will not defeat our spirit and can not stop us from spreading our love for one another and the world. Love from Toronto to my favorite city in the world, HAIFA.
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Anne Wagman
Anne it has been a joy to have know you for many Years . It went for many years
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