ADAM GERSHON SIDON died suddenly on Monday, January 27, 2025.

Adam was born October 3, 1980 to parents Philip and Frandeline Sidon. A friendly soul, he was always outgoing and trusting. Adam was passionate about life, sports, food and friends. Adam married the love of his life, Leigh, in 2023.

Adam is survived by his spouse, Leigh Sidon; parents Philip and Frandeline Sidon, brother Matthew (Natalie) Sidon; mother-in-law Sharon (Mike), brother-in-law Joe (Nicole); nephews and nieces who will sadly miss their Uncle Adam.

Funeral services will be Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 12:00 noon at Steeles Memorial Chapel, 350 Steeles Avenue West, Thornhill, ON.  Tel. 905-881-6003.

Interment will follow at Bathurst Lawn Memorial Park (Topaz Cemetery Association Section), 6033 Bathurst Street, North York, Ontario following the Chapel service.

Memorial donations to be made in lieu of flowers to the Charity of your choice.

Shiva will be observed after interment at his parents’ home on day of burial. Thereafter private Shiva for the family