Anne Zussman (nee HANDMAN)
Beloved and devoted wife of the late Saul Zussman.
Loving mother/ mother-in-law of David Zussman and Sheridan Scott, Rhona and Floyd Weiner and Shirley Zussman. Sister/sister-in- law of Freda and Jack Hahn and the late Harry and Estelle Handman, late Stanley and Eunice Handman, the late Maurice Handman, the late Joseph Handman and the late Sarah and Harris Pervin, Grandmother of Jonathan, Daniel, Alexandra, David, Richard and Julianne. Great grandmother of Bailey and Eli.
Cared for with love by Qamar Kholmi. Our thanks and gratitude we extend to the staff on 4 South at the Apotex at Baycrest.
Donations to be made at the charity of your choice
Message of Condolence