Charlie Panovka began his beautiful long life in 1929 in Springs, South Africa., and his life came to it’s peaceful end today, January 5, 2021, in Toronto, Canada where he had embraced a new home.  His courage, strength, optimism and love of life continued even through the loss of his wife, Avril, of 60 years.  Our beloved dad, whose legacy lives on through his 6 children, children-in-law, 13 grand children and 5 great grandchildren. The strength, kindness, dignity and menschkeid is your abiding gift to us all and those whose lives have been touched by knowing this beautiful man.

Memorial donations may be made to the Canadian Friends of Beit Issie Shapiro please click to donate

The funeral service was live-streamed. To view the archived version of the service for the next 60 days, please go to The password to view the service is Panovka.