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Chava Goldberg

Chava Leah bat Shimshon ha Cohen
Date of Death: Saturday, February 8, 2025
Yahrzeit Day: 10 Shevat
Date of Funeral: Sunday, February 9, 2025
Time of Funeral: 2:30 PM
Memorial Service Location: Beth Joseph Lubavitch 44 Edinburgh Drive
Burial Service Location: Pardes Shalom Cemetery 1053 Dufferin St. Maple Ont. Nachlat Chabad Section

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Message of Condolence

Perry & Irit Rubin
BDE. Our sincerest condolences on your loss of such a courageous, caring wife, mother and friend.
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Carolyn Velkes
Long life to the Goldberg family. Chavi, a pillar in the community and so dedicated to educating our young women. BDE
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Jessica Goldberg
I am so sorry for your loss. I will always have such fond memories of the time we spent together. May her memory be a blessing.
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Vic Seeman
Dearest Chaim and family: The hole in your hearts must be so deep – and the shock and pain deeper still. How does one cope with – and then move forward from – the loss of someone so pivotal, so central to each of your lives? There truly are no words other than Baruch Dayan Emes. Allow me to offer deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to you and your entire family on the loss of your dear wife, mother, and grandmother. May you find comfort and guidance, grounding and inspiration through your cherished memories of her. May she be a Meilitza Yosher before KB”H for your family, for her beloved Kehilla, and for all of Klal Yisrael. May KB”H grant you comfort among the mourners of Zion & Yerushalyim, may her memory be for a blessing, and may you have only Simchas going forward. המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים, ולא תוסיפו לדאבה עוד .ת.נ.צ.ב.ה
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Adi Bortman
So sorry for your loss.. she was an amazing woman... so giving and helpful. She really changed my life and I am better off having known her.
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Chaya Zehava (Colette) Avital
My heart is broken! I am in Israel with my family, and I heard the news. Chavi was my mentor, my role model, my teacher and my friend. She has been apart of my life for more than 26 years. From the days when Chana, her daughter, was my chavrusah to recent times when Chavi began her life’s passion with Cybersem. I am so glad we shared many years supporting each other. So many years sharing Monday night Shiurs and planning other events. Chavi was filled with Torah knowledge beyond what anyone would expect and all she wanted to do was share that knowledge to all Jewish woman no matter what level of yiddishkite ! She was passionate about Torah and I admired her for her dedication and commitment to reaching Jewish universities who included her curriculum. She was a devoted mother who was always proud and supportive of her family. Chavi always heard me and offered her perspective, I will truly miss her with all my heart, but Hashem knows I will always honour her by thinking about what Chavi would do or say. Chavi, thank you for being a mentor, you made a huge difference in my life, you gave me permission to be a business woman, a mother and a wife, thank you for being my role model , a beautiful woman who carried herself with modesty and class, thank you for being my teacher, you always shared your wisdom and gave me answers whenever I had questions and I will forever be grateful for our friendship, we laughed, we shared, we celebrated and we cried. I will miss you. May HaShem guide you with love and peace and may your whole beautiful family be comforted by knowing that you made a difference to the world. May your life be remembered by the blessings that you brought into this world, Amen.
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Elaine and Marv Silver
Dear Chaim and family. I am so devastated to hear of your dear Chavi’s passing. She was such a special person and I truly treasured our relationship that became more personal over the years as we laughed, shared and enjoyed our friendship. She will be truly missed but the memory of her love, goodness and spirit will endure. We are out of the country and will not be able to extend our condolences personally at the Shiva.
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Benny Himelfarb
Sorry to hear this
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Beryl & Joe Brewda
Dear Chaim and family, Our sincerest condolences to you and your family.
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Sarah Chana Radcliffe
Chavi's soul is shining in Shomayim - she was one of the most spiritually, actively growth oriented people I've known. She applied her brilliant mind not only to scholarship, teaching and community work but also to inner growth and personal development. Love of Hashem and her family was the essence of her life, woven into every cell of her being - Chavi was the "real thing." It was a privilege and a pleasure to be able to collaborate with her as a colleague within her cherished seminary, but most of all, to know her as a friend and a truly special human being. I will miss her! I'm so sorry for your loss. May her memory be a blessing.
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Helen and Ray Sweig
To Chaim and Family…our deepest sympathy on the loss of your dear Chava. Helen and Ray Sweig . Cousin of Jack.
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Tammy Gwartzman
Chaim & Family.. I just read about Chavi. I'm so sorry for your loss. May Chavi rest in peace & May her memory be forever blessed. Baruch Dayan Haemet.
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Darien and Shoshana Sheff
We are astounded, but not surprised by the accolades attributed by so many here, to your dear mother. May her memory continue to be a spiritually guiding force to all whose lives were touched by her. May all the mitzvoth that will be done in her name hearld the swift coming of Moshiach!
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Jerry Trompeter
Hamakom yinacheim eschem besoch shaar avlei tzion veYerushalayim. My deepest condolences to Chaim and the whole family. Yakov Trompeter Jerusalem
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Gayle Bonapaarte
I am so sorry for your loss. Chava and I go way back to Junior High School. Her mother and mine were close friends. Chava and I went to Saturday morning services until I moved away.
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