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Gary Lubin

Gershon Shmuel Ben Dovid
Date of Death: Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Yahrzeit Day: 18 Tammuz
Date of Funeral: Sunday, July 28, 2024
Time of Funeral: 2:00 PM
Memorial Service Location: Graveside Service
Burial Service Location: Bathurst Lawn Memorial Park - United Jewish People Order Section
Shiva Location: Private Shiva

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Message of Condolence

Christine Cushing and Peter Jarocki
A great karaoke partner, a man who could make us laugh, a wonderful storyteller (some real whoppers), and someone who will forever be held in our hearts and memories. Rest In Peace, dear Gary. Peter and Christine
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Nellie Groenenberg
I’m so sorry to hear that Gary”coach” the king of fantastic stories has died.I enjoyed every moment I spent with my neighbour on hill 1.He will be so missed.May his memory be a blessing for all who loved and admired him.
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Ralph Cilevitz
Gary was my high jump coach. Always had a smile and always positive. I wish the Lubin family long life.
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Michael Linardic
Great coach Gary will be missed.
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Ross McKie
Gary always had time to talk and never stopped being curious. He was always genuinely interested and intrigued with what was happening with me and my family. Loved speaking with him over on Hill 1 at Camp Naivelt. He will be missed. Peace.
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ray stadnick
A true friend. Track and Field will miss him. He helped a lot of people.
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Catherine Shiner
So sorry to learn of Gary's passing. May his memory be a blessing.
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Amy Jordan
Marc and I are so very to hear of Gary's passing. Our heartfelt condolences to all of the Lubins, Juanita and Cynthia.
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Norman Shiner
I am very sorry to hear this news. I have fond memories of Gary at my parents home, Uncle Huck and Aunt Sandy at family simchas and Jewish holidays. As a student athlete Gary would praise the benefits of bee pollen for enhanced performance. And most of all I remember his wonderful smile and energy and being a genuine soul. Sending my condolences, Cousin Norman
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Judy Toker
Condolences to the Lubin family, Juanita, and Cynthia on the loss of Gary. I have many memories of Gary during holiday celebrations at our home and at family simchas. He was always full of personality and positive energy, with many stories to tell. We are out of town and unable to attend the funeral, but our thoughts and prayers will be with you. May his memory be for a blessing. Judy Shiner + Richard Toker and Family.
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Alexandria Swartz
We are so sad to hear the news about Gary. I remember Gary as a man full of personality. May his memory be a blessing.
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Diane Shiner-Feder
Dear Family- We are sorry to hear about Gary- He was a shining light- May his memory be a blessing/ We wish all of you strength at this sad time- Sending Love- Morris and Diane And family
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Michael Shiner
So sorry to hear this sad news. I'll always remember Gary's zest for life through developing the talents of others. Being coached by him in track and high jump made me feel like a very lucky, loved, younger cousin. Michael
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Austin Nurse
Condolences to the Lubin family. Have known Gary from many decades thru Track & Field, and have always enjoyed our conversations and the life lessons that he thought me. He will truly be missed.
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Michelle J. Iseman
My deepest condolences to the Lubin family.
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Dionne Grant
So sorry Juanita. May the Lord Spirit be with you during this season. Blessings…. Dionne
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Bob Gough
Fond memories of fishing,karaoke,sports and a genuine joy of life I will miss him .love bob
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David Hermolin
So sorry to hear this sad news. Was always lovely seeing Gary at Camp Naivelt and also was an inspiration during my time as a student teacher. Love and condolences to family and loved ones.
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Peter Slisarenko
To say Gary was a character and a force would be an understatement. Gary was my son Brandon's high jump coach. He coached Brandon to an Ontario high jump record. We both loved Gary and his quirky sayings. He always made you smile. Everyone knew Gary at the track. He was a legend! He left his mark on this world and will never be forgotten. R I.P Gary.
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Norton Lambersky
Condolences to the Lubin Family. Coach Lubin was a very friendly person who actually cared for his students. May the good memories ease your pain.
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Bernie Gryfe
Gary and I roomed together in Waterloo University. His brother Ashley and I had a wonderful laugh time together. The three of us made university life a time to never forget.
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Scott and Lynne Mackenzie
We are very sorry to hear of coach Gary’s passing. We will remember his love of athletics. One of his greatest attributes was he didn’t care whether it was one of his athletes or someone else’s he genuinely wanted everyone to do well, to do their best. That was what made him smile. We will miss that smile.
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Devyn Mackenzie
Like many others I was an athlete of Coach Gary’s. Going to a Gary Lubin practice was always such a treat because Gary truly wanted to share his love for jumps with the world. Practices would include athletes from any age range or experience level. There was a core group that would be there regularly but you would always meet someone new and if they were a friend of Gary’s they would be a friend of yours by the end of practice. He had such an inclusive nature that I will truly miss. Long after I was done high jumping, Coach Gary moved on from cheering me on at high jump to cheering me on in life. He really just wanted everyone to do great things whether it was sports, a work promotion or nailing a good karaoke song. I think we all can say when Gary believed in you, you could just feel it. You were reminded of this any time you would get his voicemail where he stated that if you can believe it and achieve it. Even if he missed your call, he was still making sure you remembered to believe in yourself until he could get back to you. No words could truly describe an individual like Gary, he was one of a kind and I was very lucky to know him.
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Paul Galas
Coach Gary will truly be missed by our family and the entire track and field community. To many he was a great coach, storyteller and friend. I was lucky to have Gary as a coach, but also somebody who always believed in me and someone would always call to check in and see how I was doing even off of the track. Our family will miss hosting Gary for dinner and hearing the endless stories and jokes. His legacy will certainly live forever in the track and field community and in the hearts of many.
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Ken Hassanally
Tribute to Gary: Our roots go back a long way, since the days of teaching in North York . You have been an inspiration to me and I pray God's blessing on Junita and your family Ken & Tara
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Alan Shiner
We will dearly miss our beloved cousin, who we had many great times with…he was one-of-a-kind and always an inspiration to us. Alan, Sarelle, Rory & Cole Shiner
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Natalie White
My heartfelt condolences. Coach Gary was truly one of the most positive and kind hearted individuals that I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. He had a very special way of teaching young athletes to be passionate about their sport and be good people both on and off the track. He was an exceptional role model and will be missed dearly. Sending all of my love during this difficult time.
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Edele Alexander
My memories of Gary, warm, loving welcoming bring me solace now. Wishing you strength at this time, may his memory be a blessing.
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Jonathan Maister
Sincerest condolences to the family of Gary Lubin. I knew Gary for over 35 years. Though our meetings were intermittent through our track and field /Maccabi Canada connection, they were always memorable. He always had a smile on his face, a twinkle in his eye, a stopwatch or starters gun in his hand, a mischievous comment to share and a joyous demeanor which was infectious. For me his passing is the loss of a part of my journey in Canadian sport. BDE
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Don Ritchie
'Believe it; Achieve it…..follow your dreams!' Gary was a fellow Ukrainian, coach (to me and my daughter Caroline) and dear friend since 1981. RIP, I will miss you terribly. My condolence to his family, community, friends and fellow high jumpers.
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Tamara Leider
I’m so sorry to read this sad news. I met Gary when I was a student teacher - he was always down to earth and funny. May his name be forever a blessing.
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Sharon Benson
Condolences to the family.
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Keith Dormond
Gary was my first coach. In 1976, I was a young kid in worn out sneakers who just won the 100 meters. Gary came running out of the stands and said that he could coach me to be a faster runner. Gary backed up his words. I set the Midget 100 meter record with him. It was in Thunder Bay in 1981 and it still stands to this day. We had a blast together. I will never forget the time Gary fought to get me on a track team, when I was being overlooked unfairly. He was just a great guy, who could lift everyone's spirit in a room. To Gary's family, thank you for sharing him with us. Gary's memory and love will endure.
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