Grace Sherman “Nana Grace” passed peacefully on May 16, 2020 in her 106th year. Loved Wife of the late Sam Sherman, Mother of Florence Miller, Gloria Samuel (Mark) and Arthur Sherman (Mindy), Grandmother of Robert Fuller, Allan Miller, Alene Clarke, Laura Fuller, Jill Birks, Marla Perlmutar, Matthew Sherman, Sam Sherman and Rebecca Sherman , Great Grandmother of twenty and Great-Great Grandmother of two. Nana Grace, the matriarch of the Sherman clan brightened the lives of all who knew her. With the strength of great faith in G-d and a love of family, her optimistic view of the world and its people inspired all who knew her. She will be sadly missed.
Memorial donations may be made to the Association for the Soldiers of Israel 416-783-3053 or to the Jewish National Fund (JNF) 416-638-7200.
Message of Condolence