Harold Raich, born November 17, 1930, beloved husband of Eleanor Raich and cherished father to Ilana Marcus and Nancy Raich, loving grandfather of Dylan and Cooper, passed away peacefully March 10, 2024. Harold lived a long happy and satisfying life and was an independent spirit who loved nature, travel and world affairs. A graduate of McGill University Class of 1951, BCom., Harold was a consummate businessman, building out his family’s textile business and creating a line of retail outlets across Quebec.
Whether it was the Atlantic Ocean or Lake Ontario, Harold spent many days at their beaches, embracing the outdoors just as he did as a young man who adored skiing, golf and any athletic challenge.
“There are no goodbyes for us. You will always be in our hearts.”
Memorial donations may be made to the IDF Widows and Orphans Organization (https://www.idfwo.org/en/).
Message of Condolence