Jean Ruby passed away on Saturday, February 20, 2021 and was the beloved wife of the late Bram Ruby – these two people loved each other more than words can express. Her only child, David Ruby, has her in his memory and his heart forever – her love and passion for cooking and home life gave him strength and wisdom to marry his wife Julia and raise four sons Benjamin, Aaron, Nathaniel and Zachary. With her constant dedication to filling her home with beauty, art and passion for Jewish life, she adorned her home with paintings, sculptures, color and beauty. Members of her extended family will never forget attending her fabulous Rosh Hashannah dinners. Her niece Ellen Green will carry lovely memories of her Aunt Jean,  always coming through on her promises, always was as good as her word.  Ellen’s sons Jordan, Joshua and Anthony all remember spending sunny afternoons on a boat, fishing with Auntie Jean and Uncle Bram. They loved the food she would always made and brought along to eat. Jean’s passion for nourishing the soul with food and love will be missed – and remembered –  by all who knew her.

Memorial donations may be made to the charity of your choice.

The funeral service will be live-streamed. Please go to on Friday, February 26, 2021 at 11:00 a.m.