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Joseph Winter

Date of Death: Sunday, April 5, 2020
Yahrzeit Day: 11 Nissan
Date of Funeral: Monday, April 6, 2020
Memorial Service Location: Private Service
Burial Service Location: Bathurst Lawn Cemetery 6033 Bathurst St, Clanton Park Section
Shiva Details: Private shiva

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Message of Condolence

Jordan Rose
Our sincerest condolences go to the entire Winter family. המקום מנחם אתכם בתוך שאר אובלי ציון וירושלים
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Laurence Weizel
Norman - I am very sorry for your loss. May you be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
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stephen ruben
Norman My sincere condolences to you and your family. I never met your father but in knowing you I am sure he was a man of mindfulness and integrity
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Caroline Glick
Yossi was a great Zionist, a brave man and a fine man. He leaves a great hole and and even greater legacy of ahavat Yisrael and arvut hadadit. I was privileged to know him and call him my friend. May his memory be a blessing and may Esther and his children be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
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Shlomo Gemara
אבידה גדולה ועצומה לכלל ישראל. יהודי חם ונאמן שהלב שלו היה במקום הנכון. אהב אהבת נפש את עמו ואת ארצו, בצניעות ובענווה. אוהב שלום אבל לוחם ללא חת למען ארצו. סלד מפרסום עצמי, אבל דאג ללא ליאות לפרסום של האמת היהודית והציונית. ידע על בשרו ומנסיון משפחתו שבכל דור ודור קמים עלינו לכלותינו, וכל חייו היו קודש לבנין של משפחה, קהילה וארץ ישראל. קיבל כל אדם בסבר פנים יפות ומאירות ולא רגל על לשונו. איש מעשה שכל חייו היה נאמן לחלום היהודי של גאולה וחירות. לא זכה לקבורה ולהספד שהיה ראוי להם, ואולי היה זה רצונו הפנימי- לא ברוח ולא ברעש כי אם בקול דממה דקה כדרכו כל חייו. יהיה ההספד עבורו אלפי המעשים הטובים שעשה כל ימי חייו, מלאכי מעלה יהיו מלוויו לקבורה, וה' יקבלו תחת כנפיו לעולמים. יוסי היה אחד מאבלי ציון וירושלים אך התעלה מהם בהיותו לא רק אבל, אלא גם בונה ציון וירושלים. לבני משפחתו- המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים, ותזכו רק לנחמות ובשורות טובות. שלמה ועופרה גמרא
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Hymie Lebowitz
My heartfelt condolences to you all , I am so sorry to hear of your loss . May his memory and the legacy he left be a source' of strength to you all through this difficult time . May Hashem comfort you and yours among the mourners of Zion and Yerushalayim.
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Ron Haik
My condolences. May his memory be a blessing to all those that knew him. Ron
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Judy Litvak
Dear Annie and Family So sorry to hear about the passing for your father-in-law, May his memory be a blessing
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Bob Shour
To the Winter Family, condolences on the loss of your father, grandfather and great grandfather. May you all be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Bob and Barbara Shour
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Nira Rittenberg
Thinking of you and your family Your father was a real fighter. He was lucky to have such care and support and respect. I hope the good memories of him are a comfort at this challenging time.
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Jacob Friedberg
Dear Esther , please accept our deepest condolences to you and the Winter family. We shall remember Yossi as a friendly and gracious man. Cousins Jack & Lilly Friedberg
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Jack & Marla Samuel
We join with so many others in expressing our sadness at the loss of Mr. Winter z'l., a fierce and resolute advocate for the rights of the Jewish People to be sovereign in their homeland, the land of Israel. Mr. Winter was a devoted husband to his loving wife Esther. He was also a loving father, stepfather and grandfather to their large and beautiful blended family. They in turn - each member of that family - treated with him with the utmost respect and affection. May the entire family be comforted by the beautiful legacy he leaves behind and spared from any further sorrow.
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Judit Kenyeres
HaMakom yenachem et'chem b'toch shar avay'lay Tzion vee'Yerushalayim.Auf Simchas!
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Meir Weinstein
I am so sad to hear about the passing of Yossi.
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Bruce McMinn
Norman, word of Joe’s passing just caught up with me; you have my deepest condolences. It was a privilege to have met your father and worked for his organization. My recollections of the man are entirely positive. May his memory be for a blessing.
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