We regret to inform you of the passing of Judith Friedman (Klein) , mother of Dennis , Larry ,Jeffrey, Lisa , Esti and Tamara , this past Thursday November 22,2018. The kevura took place in Eretz Hachyim, Beit Shemesh , Israel.
The family has been sitting shiva in Israel. Larry, Dennis and Lisa will be arriving in Toronto Tuesday afternoon around 5 pm and will be sitting shiva at 10 Prue Ave, ( apt 303 code 8) from Tuesday evening until Thursday morning. Davening will be as follows: Maariv Tuesday eve at 8:00 pm
Shacharis – Wednesday and Thursday morning at 7:00 am
Mincha Wednesday evening at 4:30 followed by Maariv
Shiva concludes Thursday morning.
May the family know from no further sorrow .
Message of Condolence