After a long and brave battle with cancer, Mildred Gelman, beloved wife of the late Leon Gelman, devoted mother of her recently departed son, Alan, and survived by her other two children, Ron Gelman and Catharine Kaufman, and son-in-law Larry Kaufman, granddaughters, Hannah and Marni Kaufman, siblings Gertrude Frank and Dr. Harold Fireman, many nieces and nephews – is finally cancer-free by passing away on September 22nd.

She was a kind, loving spirit with a wonderful sense of humor, tremendous generosity of heart, and Herculean bravery.

She will be missed by so many.

One last joke as a send off to this incurable punster:

“What do you call a singing computer?


May Mildred now be peaceful and out of her suffering.

Memorial donations may be made to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (416) 815-1313