Beloved wife of the late Arnold Mandel and the late Henry Kalmus and dear companion of Ralph Feigen. Loving mother and mother-in-law of Judy and Alan, Cathy and Alan, and Randi and Michael. Devoted Bubie of Kelsey and Dave, Amy, Jonathon and Jennifer, Jordy and Sarah, Megan and Clark, Lesley and Steven, Jeffrey and Nicole, Ali and Max. Greatgrandmother of Eva, Wrenna, Ryan, Emma, and Kyla. Survived by her brother David and his wife Andrea, her sister-in-law Beverly and the late Gerald, sister-in-law Miriam and Shep, sister-in-law Dorothy and George and many nieces and nephews. Memorial donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society 1-800-268-8874.
Message of Condolence