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Rabbi Moishe Blaustein

Moishe Shmuel ben Yitzchak Mayer
Date of Death: Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Yahrzeit Day: 29 Elul
Date of Funeral: Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Time of Funeral: 11:00 AM
Memorial Service Location: Agudath Israel Congregation 129 Mcgillivary Ave.
Burial Service Location: Bathurst Lawn Memorial Park - Agudath Section

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Message of Condolence

Jeremy and Esther Shapiro
BsD Dear family: We are so sorry for your loss. Hamakom yenechem scheme besoch v'yerushalayim.
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Roslyn Salmon
Dear Risa and the extended family. BDE. We all have such wonderful, warm, memories of your husband. He was special to his fortunate talmidim, his kehilla and most important, his family. May his memory always be a comfort to you. Ros Salmon and family.
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Olga Markin
Dear Risa , We were saddened to learn of your husband’s passing. We always appreciated his warmth and kindness, especially when he would wave and smile at us. My husband always cherished Rabbi Blaustein acknowledgement of his support for the KCC ride. Please, accept our deepest condolences. Patrick and Olga (107 Burncrest crest)
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Sandra Winiarz
Dear Family Blaustein I have so many wonderful memories of Rabbi Blaustein. May you be comforted amongst the mourners of Zion and Yerushalyim
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BDE so very sorry to hear of your husbands passing our condolences to you and your family Sharon weisblum
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I just heard the sad news .... I am so sorry for everyone's lose he was an amazing energetic ( I don't think he ever slept ) man .. I knew him when I was working at camp agudah for 10 summers . I know he will have an amazing Olam haba but has left a huge void I'm sure for so many on this earth
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Faye Stein
Dear Blaustein Family, When we think of Rabbi Blaustein, we instantly think of Camp Agudah. He made so many wonderful camp memories for so many campers over so many years. My daughters remember Rabbi Blaustein as such a vibrant, integral part of their summers in camp. We were all so sad to hear about his Petirah. Bde Meier and Faye Stein ( Montreal)
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Faye and Meier Stein
Dear Blaustein Family, When we think of Rabbi Blaustein, we instantly think of Camp Agudah. He made so many wonderful camp memories for so many campers over so many years. My daughters remember Rabbi Blaustein as such a vibrant, integral part of their summers in camp. We were all so sad to hear about his Petirah. Bde
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Janice Lebow
To the Blaustein Family. I was so saddened to hear this sad news. Rabbi Blaustein was a lovely gentleman and a fantastic and beloved Rebbe. My son, Yoni, loved his Rebbe Blaustein in Grade three, in 1991 at Eitz Chaim. Everyone adored him, kids and parents alike. The loss to his family is huge. May you take solace from his memory. May his Neshama have an Aliyah in Shomayim and may he brings pleasure to the children in Gan Eden and be with his beloved son. Hamakom Yenachem Etchem Betoch Shaar Avalei Tzion ve Yerushalyim and know no more sorrow. Janice Lebow
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