Robert Rubenstein, beloved husband of Janice Diner. Devoted father to Tamara and Cobi Moos. An only child of the late Max and Rose Rubenstein of Montreal. He will be dearly missed by his brothers and sisters-in-law Robert Diner, Michael Diner, Shannon Stewart and Simone Freedman along with their children and his in-laws, Ann and Mel Diner. Robert loved food, music and travel in that order and he took great honour in cooking for friends. He was a co-founder with his wife Janice of a tech company, Horizn and considered the team a part of his extended family. One of his proudest accomplishments was his tireless work to help many Horizn employees become new Canadian citizens. He will be sorely missed by all of us. The family would like to thank the doctors, nurses and staff of the 10th floor North at Mount Sinai Hospital for their exceptional care and compassion in this unbelievable quick illness. Donations may be made to Mount Sinai Hospital or the Canadian Cancer Society.
Message of Condolence