Funeral Preplanning

It is human to put things off – we all tend to procrastinate a little! Yet, we plan our vacations, our retirement, our pension programs and most people have (or recognize that they should have) a will. Prearranging one’s funeral may seem a difficult task, but many people feel a certain peace-of-mind from doing so. They feel that it can eliminate some of the anxiety which can accompany the death of someone loved, and feel that their action can be considered an act of love for those who will be left to make decisions.
You have protected your family in so many different ways – with life insurance, health insurance, and by making a will. Prearranging your funeral is also a part of sensible estate planning. In advance of need, you and your family can think it out together, decide together, and act together. People who live alone especially appreciate the convenience and sense of security.
Since the last will and testament is often read after the funeral, the best approach is for you to speak to your family and your funeral director about arrangements, set down your wishes in writing and keep them in a known place at home.
Prearrangements can be made in a number of ways – depositing the full sum of money at once, installment payments or by merely recording your wishes and preferences to be carried out at the time of death with the cost to be paid by your estate or next-of-kin. You should discuss the various options with your funeral director.
A prearranged funeral plan can be made with any licensed funeral home in the Province of Ontario. Any monies pre-paid to the funeral home are deposited in a trust account with the Guaranteed Funeral Deposits of Canada (Fraternal) in accordance with the Funeral Directors & Establishments Act for the Province of Ontario. Interest earned stays with the principal amount in trust to fund the cost of the funeral.
If you wish more information on funeral pre-arrangement, please contact any of our funeral directors.