Ludmila Gruzinsky
2020-11-22 at
Private Family Service,
Burial Details:
David Budd
2020-11-22 at
Private Family Service,
Burial Details:
Evelyne Rozeiu
2020-11-22 at
Private Family Service,
Burial Details:
Dorothy Finkelstein
2020-11-22 at
Private Family Service,
Burial Details:
Alexandra Khaiter
Shiva private
Allan Shaw
Please see above.
Mel Moscoe
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Joseph Magder
Please see above.
Adolf ( Avraham) Gross
Private shiva
Zinaida Smali
Shiva private
Alexander Zanger
Shiva private
Sidney Hernick
Private Shiva
Esther Fish
Shiva private
Ida (Inna) Vinokur
Shiva private
Bella Kasdan
Shiva Private.
Belle Genesove
Private shiva
David Budd
Shiva Private.
Evelyne Rozeiu
Shiva Private
Dorothy Finkelstein
Private shiva