Ida Melnik
2019-08-01 at 10:00
Steeles Memorial Chapel, 350 Steeles Ave West, Chapel service,
Burial Details:
Bathurst Lawn Memorial Park, 6033 Bathurst St., Zaglembier Society section.
Aaron Weisblatt
2019-08-01 at 11:30
Steeles Memorial Chapel, 350 Steeles Ave West, Chapel service,
Burial Details:
Pardes Shalom Cemetery, 10953 Dufferin St. Congregation B’nai Torah section
Alexander Salman
2019-08-01 at 13:00
Graveside service, Pardes Shalom Cemetery
10953 Dufferin St, Maple, ON L6A 1S2, Canada
Burial Details:
Pardes Shalom Cemetery, 10953 Dufferin St. Community section
Pardes Shalom Cemetery
10953 Dufferin St, Maple, ON L6A 1S2, Canada
Shamai Hazanov
2019-08-01 at 13:00
Steeles Memorial Chapel Service, Steeles Memorial Chapel
350 Steeles Ave W, Thornhill, ON L4J 6X6, Canada
Burial Details:
Pardes Chaim Cemetery – Community Section
Pardes Chaim Cemetery
11818 Bathurst St, Maple, ON L6A 1S2, Canada
Alfred Ziluk
2019-08-02 at
Graveside Service,
Burial Details:
Pardes Chaim Cemetery – Community Section
Toby Orlans
170 Dewbourne Ave. Toronto. Concludes Sunday evening July 28th.
Hersh Schifman
Minha/Maariv 7:30 pm
Visitation from 3:00pm to 6:00pm
Shiva concludes July 31st after Maariv prayers
Mildred Krasin
Shiva visits daily from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Shiva concludes Sunday morning, August 4th.
Reuven Kogan
Private shiva
Solette Gelberg
Shiva Private.
Ida Melnik
17 Heritage Estates Road, Maple. Daily from 2-5pm and 7-9pm. Concludes Wednesday morning, August 7th.
Aaron Weisblatt
103 Rockford Rd, Toronto
Shajarit Friday, Tuesday, 7:00 a m, Sunday and Monday 8:00 a m
Minha/Maariv on Friday 2:00 pm. Rest of the week 8:25 p m.
No visitation from 1:00pm to 2:00 pm,6:00 pm to 7:00 pm and after 10:00 pm.
Shiva concludes Wednesday August 7 after shajarit services
Alexander Salman
Private shiva
Shamai Hazanov
Shiva details TBA.
Alfred Ziluk
Louis D. Silver, QC.
2019-08-04 at 11:00 AM
Pardes Shalom Cemetery, Kehila Shaarei Torah section
Rachel Akierman
2019-08-25 at 11:00
Mount Sinai Memorial Park, Beth Radom Section